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Articles and Books Recommendation

Sandplay in Three Voices: Images, Relationships, the Numinous

Authors: Kay Bradway, Lucia Chambers, Maria Ellen Chiaia
Foreword: Thomas Singer

Sandplay in Three Voices provides a unique and engaging introduction to sandplay, a growing modality of psychotherapy. Covering eight of the most important topics in sandplay ¡VTHERAPIST, SILENCE, CHILD, MOTHER, SELF, SHADOW, CHAOS, NUMINOUS- each section begins with a trialogue between experienced sandplay therapists who discuss the theory, history and practice of sandplay in each area.

The trialogues allow the reader to witness three senior therapists addressing and attempting to understand the many layers of each topic, and reflect their agreements and disagreements as they reveal their individual thoughts on, and personal experiences of the themes they discuss.

Each section ends with a thorough summary of the topic in which each therapist outlines her individual view and compares it with those of her fellow therapists.

Illustrated by original clinical examples this unique approach provides an engaging introduction and grounding in sandplay, and addresses the main concerns of all practicing and training sandplay therapists.
