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Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of Terms of Use
These Terms of Use governs your use of Playsand.com.hk service and website. By using or browsing the Playsand.com.hk website, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions set herein.

Changes to Terms of Use
Playsand.com.hk reserves the right, from time to time, with or without notice to you, to change these Terms of Use in our sole and absolute discretion. The most current version of the Terms of Use will supersede all previous versions. Your use of Playsand.com.hk website or continued use of our service after changes are made means that you agree to be bound by such changes.

The information submitted on Playsand.com.hk website is subject to our Privacy Policy.

How does Playsand.com.hk work?
1. Click the products you want and add to your cart
2. Confirm your order
3. Fill in your details
4. You will receive an order confirmation via email or phones.

Rental Period
Unless otherwise stated, our products are rented out for up to 3 hours. This rental period is for your exclusive use of our products and does not include setup and take-down time. Delivery and setup will be done prior to the start of the rental period and take-down will be done after the rental period. The rental period may be extended with a surcharge.

Refund / Cancellation of Rental Order
Cancellation of advance booking is allowed if two week's notice or more is given to us. If the notice given is less than two weeks from the start of rental date, we will charge 50% of the pre-committed charges based on each order. A HKD500 administrative fee is payable for any cancellation of orders.

For cancellations due to weather considerations only, any advance payment, minus a HKD500 administrative charge, will be refunded if cancellation is made with at least 5 days’ notice (weather forecast issued by the HK Observatory will be used in all cases). If cancellation is made with less than 5 days’ notice, there will be no refund of any advance payment. The 5 days’ notice is waived only in the event that the Hong Kong Observatory issues a Typhoon/ Tropical Cyclone Signal above (and not including) no. 3, on the party day, in which case a refund of any advance payment minus HKD500 administrative charge will be made.

No refunds will be given once our product has been rented out for the stipulated and agreed period between Playsand.com.hk and the hirer. There will be no refund should the hirer wish to return our products earlier during the rental period.

Product Care Policy
Parents are strongly encouraged to adhere to the following Product Care Policies:-
1) Use our products for its intended usage (e.g. water play, sand play, etc……)
2) Parents are to wipe down our products with visible debris (i.e. food, dirt etc) before returning back to Playsand.com.hk. A cleaning charge may be imposed on the hirer if our products are returned in conditions that require extensive or extended periods of cleaning.

Playsand.com.hk is committed to cleaning and fully sanitizing each product before it is rented.

Damage to our Products
If an item rented out has been damaged by the hirer (e.g. missing parts, broken pieces, punctures, tears, etc….), the full retail price of the item will be borne by the hirer.

Please note that Playsand.com.hk reserves the right during the 7-day inspection period to inspect the products after collecting back from hirer. During the 7-day inspection period, should the product be found to be damaged, we are entitled to claim back after this 7-day inspection from the hirer.

Electronic Communications
The mode of communication used in Playsand.com.hk website is mostly via emails. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on this site. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

The Website Information may be protected under intellectual property laws and rights (including without limitation laws protecting copyright). If the User downloads, copies, transmits, publishes, stores or otherwise uses the Website Information without the consent of the owner of such rights, the User may infringe such laws or rights. It is the User's responsibility to determine whether any such infringement ("Copyright Infringement") will occur.

If you are under the age of eighteen, a minor or not capable of assuming legal responsibility, you should seek advice from your parents or guardians as to the meaning and consequences of these terms and conditions before using any of the Services. You must not provide us with your personally identifiable information unless you have received the consent from your parents or guardians. Playsand.com.hk presumes that every User of the Websites has the requisite capacity required for any use of any of the Services and, by using any of the Services, you undertake and warrant to us that you have the requisite capacity. Playsand.com.hk is not obliged to verify the age or capacity or any Users, but in the event it is discovered that any Users lack the requisite capacity, Playsand.com.hk reserves the rights as may be available against such Users, or the parents or guardians of such Users, including the right to be indemnified by them against all the loss or damage suffered by us as the result of the said lack of capacity or to cancel their registration and terminate their access to the Website.

Account Login ID & Password
You will create or receive a password and/or Login ID upon completing our on-line registration form. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the said passwords and Login ID, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under those passwords or Login ID. You agree to

  1. immediately notify Playsand.com.hk of any unauthorized use of your passwords or Login ID or any other breach of security; or
  2. ensure that you exit from your passwords or Login ID at the end of each visit to the Websites. Playsand.com.hk cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this clause or your use of any digital or electronic certificates in connection with the Services.

You acknowledge that the said passwords and Login ID are confidential and must not be disclosed to any other person(s) under any circumstances. Any words, action or conduct whether intentional or unintentional, by you breaching that confidentiality shall render you liable to Playsand.com.hk for all losses and damages thereby caused. You shall take all necessary precautions to maintain the confidentiality of the said passwords and Login ID. You hereby agree and acknowledge that the use of the Services by any person whatsoever (whether authorised by you or not) with those passwords and Login ID shall constitute and be deemed the use of the Services by you. You shall notify Playsand.com.hk immediately of any actual or possible unauthorised use of those passwords and Login ID and shall confirm the same in writing without delay to Playsand.com.hk. Until Playsand.com.hk has received such written confirmation you shall have no claim against Playsand.com.hk and shall be liable to Playsand.com.hk for all losses and damages incurred by Playsand.com.hk in respect of any use of the Services whether authorised by you or not.

You acknowledge and agree that the only duty of Playsand.com.hk is to verify those passwords and Login ID and Playsand.com.hk shall not be liable in respect of:

  1. any loss or damage suffered by you or any other person as a result of any failure to effect or execute instructions through various electronic delivery channels or perform any obligation thereunder where such failure is attributable either directly or indirectly to any circumstances or events outside our control: and
  2. any other loss or damage whatsoever suffered by you or by any other person as a result of any instructions through various electronic delivery channels given with the correct password and/or Login ID.

Disclaimer of Warranties & Limitations on Liability
The service provided by Playsand.com.hk including all features associated therewith, the website and its contents are provided “as is” with all faults and without warranty of any kind and we make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to Playsand.com.hk service, the website and its contents. We assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of Playsand.com.hk website, any failures, delays, or delivery of any content contained on Playsand.com.hk website, any losses or damages arising from the use of the content provided on Playsand.com.hk website, or Playsand.com.hk service. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW, WE AND OUR LICENSORS DISCLAIM ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. In addition, we do not represent or warrant that the information accessible via our site is accurate, complete or current. We do not represent or guarantee that your use of the service will be free from loss, corruption, attack, viruses, interference, hacking, or other security intrusion and we disclaim any liability with respect thereto. No oral or written information or advice given by us or our authorized representative shall create a warranty or otherwise constitute a representation binding upon Playsand.com.hk or its affiliated parties. In no event shall Playsand.com.hk, its shareholders, directors, officers, or employees be liable (jointly or severally) to you for personal injury or any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, business interruption or any other commercial damages or loss, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of Playsand.com.hk website, its contents or our service, including any features associated therewith.

Standard Hold Harmless Agreement
In good faith and valuable consideration, the customers of Playsand.com.hk jointly and severally agree to indemnify and hold harmless Playsand.com.hk from any claim, liability, loss, damage or event, arising from the following: Any injury incurred while playing with the products from Playsand.com.hk and any corruption on any electronics used to access Playsand.com.hk website.

Your Conduct on Playsand.com.hk website
By accessing Playsand.com.hk website, you agree to use Playsand.com.hk service, including all features associated therewith, the website and its contents in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. In addition, you agree not to upload, post, email or otherwise send/transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunication equipment associated with Playsand.com.hk website. You also agree not to interfere with the services or networks connected to Playsand.com.hk website. You also agree not to impersonate any other person while using Playsand.com.hk website, conduct yourself in a vulgar or offensive manner while using our service or use of Playsand.com.hk website for any harmful purpose.